Thursday, November 26, 2009

Chapter One: Operation Man Hunt

From WYD 1

Meet Sasha Belle. Say 'Hi' to the nice people Sasha.

"...Hi. There, happy?"

Very much so. Do you want to tell them more about yourself?


....okay then.

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I will while they look at your crappy house because I was too lazy to commit to making you a nice one. Sasha here, is a sim. An interesting sim for me because she's a sim who wants to be a heartbreaker. She has, what I think is, a fun personality: mean spirited, flirty, klepto, green thumb, and great kisser.

Random note: Great kisser is...well great to have. It gives your sims the "great kiss" moodlet (+15) which lasts 3 hours. Easiest moodlet to get, imo.

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A top view for those who like that kind of thing...

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So, the first thing I do is send Sasha to harvest some plants from the near by park. For this challenge to work she's going to need a gardening skill of at least 7 so that she can plant life fruit. It's best that she's starts this early.

"You realize no one really cares right."

Shush woman! You'll speak only when talking to.

"mumble, mumble."

What was that.

"Why would you look at this lime. It's soo green and tasty looking. Yes, this will do nicely."

That's what I thought.

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Seconds after arriving at the park this one shows up. Everyone meet Xander Clavell, the loser that still lives with his parents.

"As long as he's single, I don't care about his living situation."

Not one for standards are you Sasha?

"...Shut up."

Oooh, nice come back.

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So, they talk for a bit.

"Hi, I'm Sasha. I just moved in down the street. And you are?"

"Clavell, Xander Clavell."

"So, Xander, are you one of the wealthier sims in town?"

"No, but-"

"No buts, you're useless to me. I was willing to accept you living with your parents but I won't settle for this! I'm out of here."


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Next she went to the part in an attempt to pick up some guys. This was the only guy there. But wait! In the distance! Is that a protest I see? Surely there must be some men there? I see two already!

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Nope, the protest was a lie! Only one guy was here and well, he only serves to annoy me whenever I play this town. So, we're moving on.

"Wait, wait. We're not moving on yet. Someone special just showed up."

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"Hello tall, pale, and handsome. Yummy."

Yea, it's never going to work Sasha. That's Gunther. He's as loyal as they come.

"A challenge then."

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A challenge indeed. As soon as Sasha headed over to talk to Gunther, Cornelia shows up and stops right in front of Sasha, successfully canceling Sasha's "Greet Gunther" action. -_-

"I know what you're up to."

"Then you'll also know that resistance is futile."

"...What are you the borg?"

"I am the one, I am everything."

"If you touch my husband I'll kill you and bury you in the greenhouse."


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"Hi, sexy, I'm Sasha Belle. I'm new in town. Do you think you could help a girl find a place to get some clothes?"


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"Great, then it's a date."

"Huh? Nonono! It's not a date. I love my wife. She's my everything."


"I've got to go now. It was...nice to meet you Ms. Belle."

LOL! I told you!

"...Oh, he'll be mine. I'll just have to take care of his wife first."

You do realize that she's standing right behind you.

"WHAT!?! Ah!"

From WYD 1

And the search continues to find some men for Sasha. This guy's not bad. He's kind of adorable.

"Yea, adorable. That's what they all say. Just once, I'd like to be seen as a man and not some teddy bear. I want to be loved the way a man and a woman love. I'm tired of being seen as the 'friend'. I want more! I have needs!!"

...You finished?

"FeeeEEEEeeeling! Woe! Woe! Woe!"


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So the pickings of men doen't look so hot but this flame fruit bush is on fire! Yea, that was lame. So what.

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And for those wondering, no Sasha didn't just show up, yoink all the harvest, and leave. She introduced herself to the man of the house first and then commenced the yoinking.

"Hi, I'm Sasha. (He seems like a nice guy. The kind of guy that would buy you flowers.)"

"Hi, I'm Gobias (Her eyes shine like moonlight. Her smile as beautiful as the moon itself. She is a goddess and I, her humble servant.)"

Yea, you get the point.

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Exhausted, Sasha dragged herself back home and went to bed. She felt that the world needed to know that she has smexy undies.

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The next couple of days were pretty busy for Sasha. Between calling the acquaintances she made, tending to her garden (15 plants takes soo long to tend to), and skilling she hasn't had much time to put the moves on anyone.

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Most of her day is spent making sure this thing is taken care of. While having 15 plants will get you to level 7 in Gardening in the matter of days, it eats up sooo much time! =/ I'm tempted to just let her progress slowly. It's not like I'm playing on a normal life span anyways.

From WYD 1

When Sasha does get out she usually heads out to get seeds. The special seeds tend to be around the graveyard.

Here she is meeting a ghost, who's name I don't remember and didn't write down, for the first time. They hit it off rather well. =)

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Maybe a little too well... =( It'll be okay Sasha.

"N-no it won't!! *sob* He's dead! How am I supposed to fall in love with him if he's dead!! *cry* It's no f-f-f-fair!!!"


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To forget about her ghostly woes, Sasha heads over to Xander's house. Why? I have no idea.

"Neither do I. Something's just pulling me to him. Something says that I need him in my life."

Yea...and I'm saying you'll regret it.

"Why can't you just support me?"

...Fine. Good luck.

From WYD 1

"Hey, Xander. It's really nice to see you again."

"It's really nice to see you Sasha. I've been dreaming about you since the first day we met. Do you want to meet my parents?"

"No, not really."

"So, *embrace* do you want to do something-ACK!! SOO! TIRED! ZOMG!"

" o_O "

So, that went no where. Let's head back home. You're exhausted too, anyways.

From WYD 1

With Sasha's funds quickly been sapped up by bills, she decided it was time to get a job. We went for the Criminal track because there's a chance that she'll acquire some expensive items while in the field. I don't know if it's going to be worth the effort though.

We kinda need to get this baby making thing on the road...

From WYD 1

With that in mind Sasha invites over Mr. Feelings, aka Adam.

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After a few minutes of making him feel special and important, he's agreed to be her boyfriend.

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Two (2) seconds later, baby #1 is on the way.

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Sasha makes a pretty pregnant woman. =) She's soo cute.

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Yes, soon the pitter, patter of tiny feet will fill the house. And, if I have my way, it'll always fill the house. *evil cackle* You'll be pumping out babies like a well oiled machine.

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Sasha goes into labor at the gym, where I find out that she can "pump iron" but she can't run on the treadmill. WTH!? This has to be a glitch, right? EA can't be that stupid, right?! -_-

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Welcome to the world baby Anna, named by my boyfriend who wanted to name her Annabelle. He, kinda, got his wish...

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With the Anna comes the Breakup. It's something that I thought I would add into the challenge. She's only going to get preggers by men that she's dating. This makes it a little, not really, harder for me and it reminds me to actually fulfill her LTW. Haha.

After this I felt kinda bad. Sasha took this really hard. (I guess she really liked him) And Adam was just a mess, but we don't really care about him. Okay, that's a lie. I really like Adam. =) I want to move him in. He's just adorable. Haha!

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Sasha turns to Xander to console her. He does a pretty good job.

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He even takes it upon himself to care for little Anna. My opinion of him is changing. He doesn't seem like such a loser after all. I guess all the babying from his parents is good for something.

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With Xander taking care of Anna, Sasha starts the skilling again. Although, I wonder if she's even going to need to skill seriously. If she starts dating Xander, who's her boss, I would think she'd be able to get promotions without putting in all this work. Then again, maybe I'm thinking too much into this. ;D

From WYD 1

After hiring a baby sitter, Sasha heads down to the gym. Not because it's more efficient to raising the athletic skill. Nope, it's because she's hoping her hot bod will draw the eye of some (un)lucky guy. What can I say, she was right.

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Meet Clarkson (Left) and Duncan (Right)

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and Lobasta (left) and ZetAk (right).

These men (sans the drow looking one) are the required multi-colored sims for the challenge. I think they're all cute in their own ways. =D

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After the gym Sasha heads home for the date she has with Xander. Things have been going really well with him. He's been finding her extremely irresistible. Unfortunately for Sasha...the man's f-ed up in the head!

"So, Xander, I really like you, I even love you."


"Yes, so I was wondering, hoping because, you've been soo good with Anna and you've been there for me."

"Sasha, you're babbling."

"Yea, I know. I just...I've never felt like this before. So...I...I want to date you."

"We are dating."

"No, I mean seriously date you. Have a relationship with you."

"Oh...OH! Oh GAWDS! No! What?! No! I, you.....No!"

"Wha? But, You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up."

WTF?! Don't f-ing apologize to this commitment issues having LOSER! Destroy his world!

From WYD 1

Or release your frustrations by acting out and stealing.

Truth be told, I had forgotten that she was a klepto. LOL! She can't steal from inside of community lots though. She can steal things outside but not inside. =/ This is pissing me off.

Anyways, that's it for now. Baby one was made, boyfriend one is now ex-boyfriend one. No boyfriend two yet. =( Hopefully next time.

Thanks for reading!

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