Saturday, November 28, 2009

Chapter Two: Needs Strategy Pt 1...

Okay, so this chapter was wicked long. Now it's in two parts!

And welcome back. I'm quite surprised that I'm updating this again soo soon. Anyways, I've decided that I needs MOAR strategy. You'll see why as you read.

From WYD 2Resized

Hello Hank, what's up?


You look worried. Why?

"Well, word's gotten around about Sasha and you know how the misses can be."

Yea... You know she probably wouldn't be soo pissy if you would just tie the knot already.

"....Is that a squirrel accosting a senior citizen?! *shifty eyes*"


From WYD 2Resized

So, Sasha caught up to him and they instantly started talking about babies. Yea, Sasha doesn't beat around the bush.

"So, I'm going to pencil you in for being father number 4. How's that sound?"

"As long as it's a girl I guess...wait, I mean, I'm happily engaged! I'll have none of this!"

"Uh-huh. So, baby number 4. That gives you a week to get your crap together. See you than. *wink*"

"That's penciled in right? You didn't use ink right? RIGHT?!"

She's gone Hank.

" T_T "

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You guys remember Gobias, right? The creepy old guy with the burning bush... Well, Sasha's been keeping in touch with him. Hopefully he'll be dad no. 2.

"*dreamy sigh*"

Then again, maybe his pansy butt should just GTFO.

From WYD 2Resized

So, Sasha greets him holding Anna. Smooth Sasha, smooth.

"What? He knows what's what."

Does he?

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"Yeah! We're finally going to get some tonight! Who's da man?! I'm da man! I'm da man with the plan!"

That plan to do what?

"The plan to make Sasha fall in love with me because of my crazy smooth bedroom skillz."

Uh-huh... GTFO.

"Aww... T_T "

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Bad girls, bad girls, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

"Shut up. That's Hank, he wouldn't arrest me."

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"That bastard arrested me!"

I told you they were coming for you.


So, do you want to know who ratted you out?

"It was Xander."

O_o; How did you know?

"We were getting pretty serious in his office and before one thing lead to another he speed dialed 911. What kind of criminal has the cops on speed dial!!"

A crazy one.

From WYD 2Resized

"They said you'd get the steak dinner, did you get it? Was it good? If it wasn't I can kill them for you, sugar lips."

"Whatever prick. How could you do that to me?"

"I panicked. Everything was going soo well and I didn't know what to do. I freaked."

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"Aww, poor baby. Let me make you feel better. *purr*"

WTF! -_- Ever feel like reaching into the game and killing a sim? She's soo freakin obsessed with this guy. I want to kiss Xander. I want to flirt with Xander. I want to chat with Xander. Screw Xander because he's never going to screw you! UGH!

Does anyone know a way to get this guy to lay her? Everytime they get close he goes "Meh, I don't feel like it." -_-

From WYD 2Resized

In other news, Anna grew up. Isn't she cute?

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And while Anna's growing up Sasha's scoping out the men folk. Here's Parker Langerak. Dopey looking guy isn't he.

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That night Sasha attempts to steal ghost man's grave, yea I forgot his name. What of it. =P

Her first attempt = FAIL. RUN IT AGAIN! Second and third try also lead to faildom. *head desk*

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Once again Sasha turns to another man to sooth her ghostly woes. Unfortunately, she turned to Gobias for comfort. While the guy isn't horrible (he's got the childish trait so he does some cute things) he's annoying (because he has the childish trait. He likes to hog Anna's toys when he comes over. At first I thought it was cute because I thought she could have someone to play with.

Yea...not so much. When ever she goes to play with him he stops what he's doing and runs away. -_- Prick-bag!

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So, Sasha and Prick-bag get it on and baby no. 2 is on the way. I'm surprised it only took one try. o_O

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"I don't mean to screw and run love but I gotta go and you need to GTFO!"

"But Saaashaaaa! I wanna stay here and make you waffles in the mooooorning."

"STFU! -_- If you're still here when I get home I'll kill you."

" @_@ "

I told you he didn't get what was going on.

"Shove it."

And little miss cranky pants goes off to work.

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Time passes and I think that Adam should get to spend time with his baby girl since she's bigger now. He's really cute because she's the first thing he goes to when he comes over. Aww, unconditional love in pixel form.

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Aaaaw, more love in pixel form.

"I'll cut you."

You'll do nothing but barf! *cackle* Aren't you happy I made your hair short?

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Why do they have to stop everything they're doing when they get their baby bumps? Why can't this happen in the morning when they first wake up or just happen and not have any attention given to it. She was sleeping for a reason!

Yea, this whole single mother thing hasn't been going to so well for Sasha or me. She's always exhausted. The kid's needs go down soo fast in this game. Normally this isn't a big deal because I have another parent in the house. Not so much now.

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Adam came over for his visiting hours. The two of them weren't friends again so after some talking Sasha asked if they could be friends. He said yes. Then she asked him to rub her belly. O_o; Which he did.

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And then he went all creeper on us.

"I want you THIS much!"

"Uh-huh....I think I'm done dancing now."

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While Adam was bonding with Anna (aka taking he's creepiness elsewhere), Sasha invited him over. He didn't seem to mind at all that she was pregnant.

The man's soo confusing. He's not even into her for the nookie. Does he get his kicks from making out and flirting? Does he have a small mini-me? Is he really bad in bed? WTH is going on!! MARQ SMASH!!

From WYD 2Resized

Yea, Anna went into labor as pregnant women are prone to do.

No! She's ending it here! Yep, ls and gs, I'm ending it here...or pausing it here. Too much stuff going on!


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