Saturday, November 28, 2009

Chapter Two: Needs Strategy Pt 2...

Welcome back! When we last left off Sasha was in labor...

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"WHAT ARE YOU DOING! ZOMG!! Stop YELLING! I'm trying to watch TV! Claire's pissed at Marissa for stealing her boyfriend who was actually cheating on both of them with Duke! Do you have ANY idea of what this MEANS?"

"...Are you high or something?"

I just love the face she's making! LMAO!

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And baby Beal is born. I don't know if Beal is a real name or not, it just came out. Apparently it's not a real word according to Firefox's auto-spell check. I like it though. Try it out. Beeaaal. Beal.

Anyways, he's Artistic and Loves the Outdoors (which I forgot until just now. His crib should be outside! CURSES!)

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Speaking of outside, here's a non-preplanned segue. (really it's not, honest!)

The garden's coming along smashingly well! Sasha had planted some special seeds awhile back and here's the fruit (pun intended) of her labors: money tree (1), life plants (2). Sweetness!

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Started re-vamping the house. I made the living area too small. =/ I realized it too late though because Sasha's back to being poor. Guess she'll have to go steal some more cars. Grand Theft Auto FTW!

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Meet Jared Frio (aka Stupid Side Burns, aka SSB). SSB will, hopefully be contributing to the cause. Sasha is FAR behind in the cranking out of babies plan. The guys she meets keep getting hitched! For once Story Progression wants to start working. UGH! -_-

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Lobasta also makes an appearance today. Sasha's been chatting with him on the phone for a few days. They're already friends so I figured why not see if we can take this to the next level.

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Then HE showed up. BLARGH!! It's bad enough that you won't let us have your genes, now you interfering with the acquisition of other genes! Go away!

"No, there's something you should know."

That you have commitment issues. I already know that! Now leave!

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He wouldn't leave so Sasha called a taxi.

Notice the red "sparkles" around Sasha. Yea, I tried the 'Eye Candy' reward. It's stupid and annoying. Red sparkles surround your sim and other sims SOMETIMES get the 'eye candy' moodlet which lasts for 10/15 sim minutes! I'm. Very. Annoyed.

Well, now I know to test these things out before using them. I'm also left wondering if the 'Attraction' reward does something similar to this animation wise.

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After taking care of the needy toddler needs.

"Hi, baby girl! Mommy missed you! *snuggle/tickle/toss*"

"Mama, sparkles! OooOOoOOOoOoOooo!"

Yea, ooo.

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And after dragging Lobasta from Beal.

"He's just sooo darn cute!!!"

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We got down to business.

"So, love, are you engaged or anything."

"Actually, yes, yes I am and I'm put off by you asking me that question so now I'm going to act like a prude."

*throws a chair* I just made you! How are you engaged already! WTF! *crosses another name off the list* This is getting ridiculous! In TS2 it was easy to get a married sim to cheat, a little too easy. In TS3 I'm failing miserably. *sob*
Marq = Fail

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Screw him, toddlers need to learn their skills anyways. I feel soo weird not having the kid learn her skills within the first three days of toddlerdom. It makes me feel icky!

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So, I've come to the conclusion that Anna is very freakin creepy. The animations that make the tots look soo cute make her look like a possessed doll. O_o; I keep finding myself saying "It's all for you Anna! It's all for you!". Well, sans the jumping. But she does get a lot of attention and toys. O_o;

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Back on the gene scene, Sasha ran into Beau St. Claire. He's one of three brothers I had made for a different sim in a different game. The brothers were put into France because the sims in France are OOGLAY!

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And this is Ian Bowler. I think he looks cute. Something about his facial features screams "GET IN THOSE GENES" in my head. Maybe it's the fact that he has groomed eyebrows. Maybe it's because his nose isn't taking over the Multiverse. Whatever it is, I want those genes!

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Sasha, however, was having none of that. Instead she wanted a wall lamp. -_- Curse you woman!! You need to suck less.

"Hush! This is all part of the plan."

Plan? What plan?

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"To steal this car."

Yep, she's still car swiping. However, I'm being very stupid when it comes to GTA. I keep forgetting that she can steal crap so she goes days on end without money (she gets around $200 from work but I can't stop buying things) and then I smack myself and send her out to steal something.

From what I've seen the stuff gets replaced by the owners in a few days so it's not like everyone in town's carless. Heck, she's doing the town a favor! She requiring people to use cabs. She's supporting the economy! Eh? Eh??'s wrong. Don't try this at home kids!

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Because I can't take it anymore, Beal's growing up. I threw him a birthday/gene recon party to make it official. Sasha looks like she's going to flip out.

"Everyone brought someone with them! All of them! There are people everywhere! My beautiful house!"

Your house?! Think about the future babies! If all these guys have dates then how are you supposed to get this train back on track!? I still haven't found a way to get married guys to cheat. Heck, I can't even get guys with girlfriends to cheat!


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Beal, you look like an ape.

"Quiet human! Let me run my experiments in peace!"

No! You are an ape!! *has flashbacks of Planet of the Apes* THEY BLEW IT UP! THEY BLEW IT UP!! LOL! (Yes, that was really going through my head. It 'tis a strange place in there, my head that is)

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This is to P&L and Xander! Freakin n00b! Who goes into work with their sleep bar less then 3/4 full. Idiot! *cackle*

This reminds me though. After work one day Sasha got an opportunity saying that learning martial arts would greatly help her work performance.

I was like: sweet! She's going to go to China and the job's going to pay for it.

The game was like: Don't be stupid. We're just going to write the opportunity so it reads like you're getting a free trip to China so that you can try out all the new stuff in WA but...your paying for the trip yourself.

-_- Well I was planning on having her go to all of the countries at some point. I've been wondering if hiring the babysitter would work for going on vacation or not. Hmm...... $75 for 6 days of being kid free. I think that's more than worth it.

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To fund this trip, you guessed it, Sasha stole a car. I was thinking about letting her keep this one since it's one of the fastest in the game, but I figured the money was more important.

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I thought this was too funny to pass up. She sneezed! I didn't even know they could sneeze but that's what she did. Haha! Too funny! I was going to get a pic of her actually sneezing but then the doorbell rang and I was too slow. =(

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This made my night.

"I don't think you'll fit through the door."

"Awww... *mope*"

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Not to worry he fit. I was really excited that he agreed to come over! I want his genes! So, following the natural progression Sasha asked if he was single.

"So, you seeing anybody?"

"Yea, and I'm not looking to jump off the deep end yet."

O.M.F.G. You know who he's dating. A freakin ELDER! OMG!

*strangles someone* ....Okay, I feel better now. Ship him off and bring in the next one.

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The next one being Beal. Same routine. I wasn't expecting much. I'd pretty much accepted that all the men in town were hooking up.

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Then this happened! HE'S SINGLE!! I couldn't believe it. He's single! So, they started the flirting thing.

"Beal, you're as smexy as a Ryan Simolds."

"You, *yawn*, really think *yawn* so?"

...He didn't stay at the house long. However, it wasn't because he was tired. While they were making googly eyes, Sasha lost a friend. I was confused. Who was she no longer friends with. It took me four more interactions to realize who it was.

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No, not the handiwoman, who I was hoping was a handiman!

"Bite me."

You wish I would!

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...this is just to draw out the suspense. Haha!

Also to show you that while taking these pics I realized I didn't like the wallpaper. I couldn't decide on what to do with it. I spent ~20 min trying different patterns, paint, etc. Still don't like it.

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Yep, Beal. While his sister didn't care what her mother did, he, for some reason, cares that his mom is cheating on his loser dad.

"Dada's no losa!"

Yea... Sasha will break up with him and see if that alleviates the problem.

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In the mean time, gardening! We've got four life fruit plants growing: harvest (2), seedling (2). I was excited to see what they look like, even though she doesn't need to eat one. I'm kinda...disappointed. I was expecting something that looked like a peach, not a pear with a halo. O_o;

Anyways, that's all that I've got for now. As always, thanks for reading!


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