Saturday, November 28, 2009

Chapter Three: I Has A Strategy

Or at least I think I might. After reading Aaroc's post "A Note About Romance... (how to)", I've formulated a strategy. This new strategy is a temporary one because I want her to actually steal husbands away from their wives *evil cackle*.

So, what is the strategy you ask? Best Friend Them. Yes, the BFT strat. After reading all the replies in the thread I discovered that some people have had success in woohoo-ing with best friend sims. This is good. This means that I can have Gunther like I....I mean Sasha wanted. Suck it Cornelia!! HA!

We'll see how this strategy goes in the play session.

From WYD3

I officially greet you with a picture of Anna stalking Beal.

"BEAL! Nom, nom, nom!"

O_o; While you digest the creepiness of that I will update you on the happenings in the Belles' world. So, the Belles almost died. I, like a fool, patched my game. BFBVFS, anyone? Error Code 16, anyone? Yea, that supposed error wasn't supposed to happen with the latest patch. -_- It did. Corrupted the save file. Luckily, I had (at some point unknown to me o_O) made a backup of the Belles. So, after re-installing a few times and adding in the crap ton of stuff I've downloaded, we're back. *kills someone*

And, now you know why it's taken me so long to update. So, we're moving on!

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To celebrate still being alive, and the BFT Strat, Sasha got a new outfit. (We're also testing out the favorite color moodlet boost I read about in Rad's Dayes of Our Lives Legacy) I saw this shirt at the store and I squeeled like the disgruntled fan girl I am.

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Following in the spirit of the BFT strat, we invited someone over who was close to being her best friend: Gunther. A few nice words and applauds of his hard work later and...

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"Hey, Guuuuunther! Can you come help me with someone on the bed please?"

Yea, that's really going to work.

"Just watch."

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O_o; So that actually managed to get him into bed. The option to "try for baby" was there but so was the "confess a secret" (or something like that). It's an interaction I've never seen before so...

"I stole cars to afford this house. I'm going to be a master thief. And, I'm trying to sleep with my boss to get promotions."

Smooth, Sasha, smooth. You could've held back a little bit. At least she didn't drop the ball about-

"I only became best friends with you so that I could smex you up."


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"That's soo sweet Sasha. I don't know what to say."

"Shhh. You don't have to say anything, Gunther. You don't have to say anything." #3 is on the way.

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"Okay, thanks for the fun time Gunther, now please get out and never come back. *dials Gobias' number* "

"Oh-okay... I wonder if I should pay her or something..."


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Upon Gobias' arrival, Sasha started rolling up wants to be all romantic with him. She was all "I wanna flirt with Gobias" and I was all, Okay but then you break up with him. And then she was all "I wanna kiss Gobias" and I was all...okay but THEN you break up with him. Yea, this went on for a few sim hours. -_-

Eventually I got my way and she broke up with him! *evil cackle* And to really rub the salt in, she got a want to insult him. HAHA!!

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Then I noticed this guy walking by. Why hello there Morty.


Why the long face?

"No reason."

You've dressed yourself better in this play through. That should make you feel pretty good about yourself.


O_o; You suck, you know that. Now hurry up and grow up so Sasha can have your kid. ....Wait, that's kind creepy. @_@


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Back in the house (yes, this is the same night), the revolving door of men keeps going. Sasha's wanted to be Beau's girlfriend for some time. After letting him have some fun and romancing him up a bit....

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We have success!

Okay, go finish raising your daughter Sasha. She's going to grow up soon.

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Anna's birthday's tomorrow and I'm definitely looking forward to it. I'm tired of tots. Someone please remind me why I'm doing this challenge again?

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"Ugh! I did...with that?"

Yes, Sasha. Yes you did.

"Oh GAWDS! *vomit*"

You do realize that you're going to have to do him again because you're already preggers with Gunther's kid, right?


Oh, the life of a WYD sim. Seriously though, she just started making these throwing up motions while thinking of him. I don't understand. She wanted to date him for such a long time....

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And this pic is to remind me to talk about Beal's LTO trait. So, I was wondering if I used a gate, instead of a door, if Beal would still get the LTO moodlet. The answer is yes. Yes, he will get the moodlet, just like he would get it if there was no gate there. Why have the gate then, you ask? Because I'm a freak and like to have the illusion of safety for kids. >_>

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This is to document Sasha's crappy maternity clothes. Nothing more, nothing less. MOVING ON!

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Yep, it's birthday time. I took this pic because of Sasha's face. I feel like she's fighting back the urge to shove the cake in Anna's face to get the girl to grow up faster. Haha! I lol-ed for a good few minutes because of this. Oh, my over active imagination.

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And after days of trying, Anna finally manages to look cute. Congrats kid.

"Imma be a big girl!"

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ROFL! Oh you poor ugly girl. To the mirror and dresser with you.

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Post make-over, Anna meets up with her dad. She also meets up with the creeper living inside.

I mean, look at her face!

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LOOK AT IT!! She could be the love child of The Penguin and Poison Ivy. Not that Ivy would EVER look at the Penguin in that way. He'd have to come up with an elaborate scheme to get that woman anywhere near his pants...but I digress.

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"Dad, it's my birthday."

"Dad? Wha? Wait, YOU'RE Anna?!"

Nice Adam. Nice.

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To commemorate this special occasion of father realizing he has crappy genes, they played tag. Aww.

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The next day I realized how stupid I've been and I took the kids into town. Why has it taken this long to pick up the little ones and take them into town with Sasha? Well, I would like to thank Rad and her Dayes of Our Lives legacy, AGAIN. If it wasn't for reading about the Dayes I never would've put 2 and 2 together and took a tot to the library to read the children skill books. It takes about a RL minute for a parent to read one of the tot skill books. Soooo much more efficient. Try it folks, you won't regret it.

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While Sasha reads to Beal, Anna goes on the hunt to find more guys for her mom to...become friends with. She meets this guy who looks like he has the potential to make some interesting kids.

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And this guy that I thought was soooo cute! They're playing chess here and he just pulled all these cute faces. *huggles* I want to take you home with me.

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Not to be shown up by her daughter, Sasha patrolled for men too. Too bad she already knows this guy. We need fresh blood, Sasha! FRESH BLOOD!

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He's not fresh blood (he's one of the St. Clairs, Lucus I believe), but he's adorable. =3 Yes, I just wanted to give him screen time because he's soo darn cute.

"Aww, shucks Marq. You're too much."

No, you're too much.

"No, you're too much."

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Yes, yes, everyone stop and stare at the green guy passed out on the sidewalk. -_- Yep, you go ahead and stop chatting up men and stare too Sasha. It's not like there's something else you should be doing.

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So, Sasha's back on track and...who's this? This dreamy clump of pixels? This is Damien St. Claire ladies and gents.

"Umm...why can't I move?"

Shhhh Damien. Don't worry about such things. Just stay where you are and look pretty.

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Yes, I do have problems. Yes, there were more pictures of him than this. Yes, Sasha will be mating with him. And yes, they will probably have hot babies. Yes, babies. *cackle*

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In other news, Beal succeeds where Anna could not. Look at him! He's soo cute. =D

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BWAHAHA! Cute and deadly. Okay, not really deadly but come on! The little man commands the room!

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And here I learn that kids can rub their mom's belly. Yes, I didn't know that. Hopefully, I wasn't the only one who didn't know that.

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Sasha goes into labor while thinking about how nicely decorated her house is,'cause that's what a normal woman would think about at a time like this.

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"Oooh! It's my birthday."

No Sasha.

"Yes! I'm going to be an elder!! No more babies!"

You're not even an adult yet, Sasha.

"Yes!! No! More!"

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"Aww, look at the baby. I shall call you Cleatus."

Cleatus, huh? Sounds like a nice, strong, Greek name.

"That's because it is."

Oh. =D Well then.

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After putting Cleatus (I love this name) down, I wanted Sasha to continue the baby making and attempt the BFT strat again. Xander was having none of it.

"ZOMG!!! The TV's brokes!! What are we going to DO!!?!! I know it's not my tv but...WHY?!!?!"

"So, do you wanna head to the bedroom and 'chat' in bed?"

"How can you think about chatting at a time like THIS!!!"

-_- The screaming continued until he ran from the house saying there was somewhere else he needed to be.

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"Mom never taught me how to walk."

Yes she did.

"Not like she's teaching Beal."

Yes, she did.

"Beal get more attention then me."

.... Why don't you go play chess or something.

From WYD3

I thought this was confusing but funny. She's freakin out. You'd think it'd be because she has bills and no money to pay them, right? Nope. It's because she got the gold she sent out to get smelted back. Yep. Sasha hates gold.

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Anyways, it's been a day since Sasha was pregnant and that's a day too long. So we invited Beau over to put an end to that. That's right, baby #4 is on the way.

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Then I realized that I wanted Sasha to try out the whole going on vacation thing. >_> She had $7k saved up but then I started decorating Anna's new room because I'm a loser. Now she has $500. So, I figured she could steal something from her ex. It's not like it's going to make matters any worse, right?

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After we were invited inside, I looked around and found THIS in Gobias' bedroom. What on earth does he need that many mirrors for? To remind him that he's balding? To hammer in how old he's gotten? What?!

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Creeped out by Gobias' house I have Sasha steal something and then get the heck out of there. Unfortunately, she was caught in the act. Fortunately, Gobias is stupid and didn't care. O_o;

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Sasha's stealing spree continued up the street. After stealing another statue she autonomously kicked over the guy's trash can. O_o;

"Stupid jerk has a POOL! Why can't I have a POOL! I like to swim too! UGH!"

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Yea, maybe it's a good thing I'm sending her on vacation. Yep, she's going right now! And yes, hiring a babysitter does work for going on vacation, which I think is funny.

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And yes, the taxi will pick you up. =)

So, this is where I leave you. I hope you enjoyed the read. This time around seemed more serious than I'm used to. Anyways, another update will come soon!

Thanks for reading,

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